Record Stores in Beijing, China

666 Rock Shop | Record Store

666 Rock Shop

Address: 230 Gu Lou Dong Da Jie, Dongcheng Qu, Beijing Shi, China, 100009

1724 Records | Record Store

1724 Records

Address: Beijing, Beijing, China
1724唱片, 中国后摇唱片厂牌. Founded in June 2006, 1724 Records, which is located in Beijing, is a mini label focusing on spreading indie music.The name 1724 roots in that truth: the feeling and inspiration in youth will affect the trajectory of your life. 1724 Records believes that music has the power to rebuild the shape of our soul. Based on this concept they have issued albums and eps for musicians such as 48V, Thumb Girls, oNEwAY, kayak, pentatonic, YiyuanLiang,Summer Fades Away,saisa,The Grinding Ear,Sparrow,Amber,Muggle,etc.Now 1724 Records is concentrating on Post-rock and Folk music, including electronic, experimental, ambient and some other types. They are trying to bloom indie music and hope that more and more people can touch the feeling of youth through their music.As a branch of the net media IndieChina(, 1724 records is also engaged in artist management. Till now they have organized numbers of live shows and music festivals for their musicians. <br> ContactEmail: <br> 工作微信:label1724 <br><br> 2006年6月成立于北京后,1724唱片陆续辅助20组音乐人完成了超过40款唱片和500场以上演出。在此期间,1724逐步建立了出品、经纪、演出、版权、宣传等环节的资源积累和执行规范。 <br> 以上均由牛磊(road)在业余时间完成,来自合作乐队、志愿者、专业人士的协助,则让1724更像是一个基于同样爱好的小型社群。一样,欢迎你也加入:) <br> 作为音乐领域创业者(随声科技),牛磊暂无将1724彻底商业化的考虑。出于更合理有效分配精力的考虑,以及十几年对后摇滚的偏爱,1724唱片于2017年6月由泛独立音乐转型为后摇滚类型厂牌。2018年1月,厂牌名字由拾柒贰肆改为更简单易记的1724。 <br> 1724唱片<br><br> 微博@1724唱片<br> 微信订阅号 records1724<br> 工作微信 label1724<br>

独音唱片 Indie Music | Record Store

独音唱片 Indie Music

Address: 17 Gu Lou Xi Da Jie, ShiChaHai, Dongcheng Qu, Beijing Shi, China, 100009
独音唱片即独一无二,特立独行。由于我们对Indie Music的热爱,所以我们立志经营一些特别的音乐,带给大家与时俱进的音乐之声, 丰富全人类业余生活中必不可少的精神食粮! <br> 本店主营:正版CD、DVD、LP、黑胶唱机、复古文化周边、独立音乐书籍、乐队文化衫及贴纸。 <br> 音乐风格分类:国内独立摇滚乐、国外原版摇滚唱片、爵士、古典、世界音乐、独立流行、说唱、电子、独立电影及乐队现场DVD。 <br> 感谢您对独立摇滚乐和独音唱片的支持!<br> 电话:+86-010-64022692 / 13466775001 / 15901080625<br> 地址:北京市西城区鼓楼西大街17号(鼓楼门楼西边100米丁字路口处<br>