Record Stores in Sopot, Poland

Black Goodies | Record Store

Black Goodies

Address: aleja Niepodległości 806, Sopot, Poland
Black Goodies is an independent booking agency and music publisher with it's own record store. Our stock is a selection of collctor issues, reissues and new releases from almost every genre. We also specialize in hard to get reggae rarities.We're located in Sopot, Poland. Al, Niepodleglosci 806, open from Tuesday to Sunday.Condition of our records you can check on real Sound System from Pandadread.Email:

Grubanuta Sopot | Record Store

Grubanuta Sopot

Address: Bohaterów Monte Cassino 21, 81-706 Sopot, Poland
A branch of the record shop. Vinyl records in various categories with a unique home-like listening experience.



Website: Facebook
Address: Generała Władysława Sikorskiego 12, 81-827 Sopot, Poland
Important: Call us at least with 1-2 days advance if interested in a huge variety of vinyl records from all genres that we've got (phone number below). Then we can get them for you to Konsulat Cafe Bar and give you possibility to do some great digging as you visit Sopot.We also accept specific orders with bigger advance.Don't hesitate to contact!