JAZZCUP (Record store in Copenhagen, Denmark)


Copenhagen, Denmark

Address: Gothersgade 107, 1123 København, Denmark

Introduction: Jazz Cup is a live venue, cafe and recordshop - all with a focus on jazz.
Jazzcup - nyskabelsen i det københavnske jazzmiljø- er en kombineret CD-shop, café og spillested. Live arrangementer hver fredag eftermiddag kl. 15.30 - 19.00, og hver lørdag eftermiddag kl. 14.30 - 18.00.

Sells: Records

Website: jazzklubben.dk

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JAZZCUP, Copenhagen, Denmark
JAZZCUP, Copenhagen, Denmark
JAZZCUP, Copenhagen, Denmark
JAZZCUP, Copenhagen, Denmark
JAZZCUP, Copenhagen, Denmark
JAZZCUP, Copenhagen, Denmark
