Rocking Shelby / Calvin's Corner (Record store in Dirksland, Netherlands)

Rocking Shelby / Calvin's Corner

Dirksland, Netherlands
Specializes in Hip Hop, Rock, Blues, Folk, World, & Country, Funk / Soul.

Address: Voorstraat 50, 3247 CE Dirksland, Netherlands

Introduction: We are a small store located in Dirksland, The Netherlands. We sell 50/60 collectible's and some clothings but more and more we sell records. We sell Rockabilly, Rock, Country, Hip Hop, Pop, Folk, Punk, Soul, Blues ect ect. At the moment we stock around 2000 albums and 2000 7". We sell new and used vinyl. Besides that we have our own record label called Shelby Records We buy and sell vinyl !!

Sells: Records

Website: Facebook

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Rocking Shelby / Calvin's Corner, Dirksland, Netherlands
