G2K Records (Record store in Norton, Virginia, United States)

G2K Records

Norton, Virginia, United States
Record store
Specializes in Rock.

Address: 832 Park Ave NW Suite B, Norton, VA 24273

Introduction: G2K Records is a locally owned and operated record store in Norton, VA. The store carries new and used vinyl, as well as used CDs, cassettes, and more. The store is suite B of the address provided. Suite A is G2K Games, the video game store half of the building which is known overall as G2K. Customers can freely walk between either half once inside.

Sells: Records, Turntables, Posters, T-shirts, Memorabilia, Movies, Games

Website: facebook.com

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G2K Records, Norton, Virginia, United States
G2K Records, Norton, Virginia, United States
G2K Records, Norton, Virginia, United States
G2K Records, Norton, Virginia, United States
G2K Records, Norton, Virginia, United States
