Bones Records & Radio (Record store in Lisbon, Portugal)

Bones Records & Radio

Lisbon, Portugal
Record store
Specializes in Funk / Soul, Folk, World, & Country, Jazz.

Address: R. Rodrigues de Faria, 1300 Lisboa, Portugal

Introduction: Bones is a Record Boutique and Radio that offers a cozy space with a living room feeling and is powered by a superb Hi-Fi sound system composed of Klipsch, Mcintosh, Rega, Alpha Recording Systems, Nea Inside Music & Pro-Ject gears. This is meant to provide the customers with a unique listening experience while buying records or just enjoy its living room environment. The boutique carries on average about 800 records which are selected by its host Godi Osegueda. They are a mix of various of genres of music from Brazil, Africa, the US and around the world, such as Funk, Soul, Classic & Modern Jazz as, and Chicago & Detroit oriented House music. With its Radio division, regularly Djs may be found there broadcasting shows and giving a musical ambience.In your time at the store, customers may enjoy variety of coffee, beer, and sparkling water, all to make a joyful moment of hifi listening experience…

Sells: Records, Beer, Coffee, T-shirts


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Bones Records & Radio, Lisbon, Portugal
Bones Records & Radio, Lisbon, Portugal
Bones Records & Radio, Lisbon, Portugal
