Balades Sonores Brussels
Brussels, Belgium
Sint-Gisleinsstraat 55, 1000 Brussel, Belgium
La Fabrique Balades Sonores little sister in Paris, Balades Sonores Brussels is an eclectic and welcoming record shop (and even more) facing legendary concert venue Le Botanique.In a space that has known different lives (book store, concert venue, vintage furniture shop) Balades Sonores has decided to save the traces left by the different occupants. We offer a wide selection of LP’s but also K7’s, CD’s, DVD’s, books, prints, HI-FI gear and also Chicamancha’s creations.Every friday, we will offer an instore show of a local, national or international band or solo artist in a pleasant and warm atmosphere.
Records, Books, Art Prints, clothes and other creations by ***ChiCaMaNchA***
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